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The Great Prince Silenced

So shocking, so unexpected, even given his recent “flu-like” symptoms and show cancellations: Pop/Rock/Soul/Funk icon Prince passed away in his Minnesota home today, April 21 2016.

He was Hendrix, Michael, James Brown, Bob Marley…and more…all rolled into one.

The term “genius” is often thrown around loosely when speaking of artists but Prince truly was a mind and a soul of exceptional depth and breadth.

He could shred, he could sing as well as or better than all the great black singers that preceded him. He could dance. He could entertain. He lived music.

Prince was an enigma. It has been said that he could speak about God and sex at the same time…with amazing reverence.

He was his own person…and yet millions consider him theirs.

Prince will be dearly missed but truly his music will be relevant as long as there are still ears to hear.

Heaven’s house band just added another gem. Thanks Prince.

Prince Rogers Nelson was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004
by R&B star Alicia Keys.

Below: One of the Greatest Musical Moments Ever feat Prince and HOF All-Star Band

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